【関連動画】1980年9月29日に放送されたBBC Oneでシェリー・デュバルが『シャイニング』でのキューブリックについて語る
ーNicholson's co-star in The Shining, Shelley Duvall, was actually discovered by Robert Altman, who cast her in pictures like Nashville and 3 Women. Since she finished The Shining, she's play Olive Oyl in Altman's Film of Popeye and made a guest appearance in London in The Time Bandits, directed by Terry Jones of Monty Python team. Well I talked to her while she was in this country, and I asked her about a rumour, then strongly going the rounds that the meticulous Stanley Kubrick had made her do 127 takes of one of her scenes. Oop! (Laughs) I don't know, I think I'm supposed to say 18. but, I don't know, I'll leave that to your imagination. ーWell, let us assume that 18 is a slight underestimate and 127 is possibly closer to the truth. What is it like doing a take that many times? I mean, is it possible ti just to keep going and produce a kind of freshness at the end? Yes, it is. It's funny, it's something that I discovered during the making of The Shi...